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Is alcohol allowed in Aqaba?

Is alcohol allowed in Aqaba?



Imagine standing on the golden sands of Aqaba, Jordan, where the desert meets the sea, and the warm, salty air whispers tales of ancient caravans and traders. Aqaba, a city steeped in history, is not just a gateway to the past but a vibrant hub where cultures intertwine. Among the many questions that visitors might ponder, one stands out: Is alcohol allowed in Aqaba?

This question is more than just about legality; it’s about diving into a sea of cultural norms, understanding local traditions, and respecting the values of a society. Let’s embark on a journey to uncover the essence of alcohol consumption in Aqaba, guiding you through the dos and don’ts, and helping you navigate the local drinking culture with ease and respect.

  • Understanding Alcohol Regulations in Aqaba
  • The Social Fabric: Alcohol in Jordanian Culture
  • Where to Sip and Savour: Finding Alcohol in Aqaba
  • Navigating the Night: Tips for Responsible Drinking
  • Key Takeaways
  • FAQ

Understanding Alcohol Regulations in Aqaba

In the heart of the Middle East, Jordan stands as a beacon of tolerance and open-mindedness. However, like a desert mirage, the rules regarding alcohol may seem elusive to the uninitiated. Aqaba, being part of Jordan, generally follows the country’s moderate stance on alcohol consumption. Here, alcohol is legally available, but there are boundaries defined by law and custom.

The Legal Landscape

In Jordan, individuals over the age of 18 are legally permitted to purchase and consume alcohol. This rule applies to Aqaba as well, offering a sense of freedom to those from lands where the grape and the grain are celebrated.

The Social Fabric: Alcohol in Jordanian Culture

While the law provides one lens, understanding the cultural tapestry offers another. Jordan is predominantly Muslim, and Islam discourages the consumption of alcohol. This religious backdrop paints the social attitudes towards drinking. In Aqaba, as in the rest of Jordan, alcohol consumption is accepted within certain contexts, particularly among religious minorities and in tourist areas, but discretion is advised.

A Tale of Two Realms

Imagine Aqaba as a city of two realms: one that caters to tourists, with its hotels and resorts where the glass clinks in celebration, and another that respects the rhythms of local life, where such sounds are more subdued. Navigating between these realms with sensitivity is key to a harmonious experience.

Where to Sip and Savour: Finding Alcohol in Aqaba

Finding a place to enjoy a drink in Aqaba is like uncovering hidden gems in a treasure chest. Here are some pearls of wisdom on where to look:

  • Hotels and Resorts: These are the bastions of hospitality, where guests can enjoy alcoholic beverages with fewer restrictions.
  • Bars and Restaurants: Select establishments, especially those catering to an international clientele, offer a range of alcoholic options.
  • Specialty Stores: For those preferring a quiet drink in the comfort of their accommodation, specialty liquor stores are available, albeit in limited numbers.

Navigating the Night: Tips for Responsible Drinking

As the stars adorn the desert sky, and the cool breeze brings solace from the day’s heat, here are tips to ensure your night is as serene as the Aqaba dusk:

  • Respect Local Sensibilities: Be mindful of your surroundings and avoid public displays of drunkenness.
  • Know Your Limits: The desert teaches the value of moderation; apply this wisdom to your drinking.
  • Safe Transportation: Ensure you have a safe way back to your accommodation. The paths of the desert are best navigated sober.

Key Takeaways

Embarking on this journey through Aqaba’s alleys and shores, we’ve uncovered the multifaceted relationship between the city and alcohol. Here’s what to remember:

  • Alcohol is legally available in Aqaba for those over 18.
  • Cultural and religious norms influence attitudes towards drinking.
  • Hotels, resorts, and certain bars and restaurants offer safe havens for enjoying a drink.
  • Responsible drinking respects both legal boundaries and cultural sensitivities.


Can I drink alcohol openly in Aqaba?

While alcohol is available, public consumption should be approached with discretion, respecting local norms.

Are there any dry days or hours in Aqaba?

During religious holidays and certain national events, access to alcohol might be restricted. It’s wise to stay informed about these dates.

Is it expensive to drink alcohol in Aqaba?

Prices can be higher than in some countries, reflecting taxation and import costs. Budgeting accordingly is recommended.


In the tapestry of experiences that Aqaba offers, understanding the place of alcohol within its folds adds depth to your journey. Like the gentle waves of the Red Sea, the key is to approach the topic with sensitivity and respect. Aqaba is more than a destination; it’s a gateway to cultural understanding, where the desert and the sea meet, and where the past and present blend seamlessly. Enjoy responsibly, and let the spirit of Aqaba enrich your soul.

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